Best rates guaranteed

The Sainte-Victoire

Low season
from 1/01 to 28/02
115 €
Average season
from 03/1 to 04/30 and from 10/1 to 12/31
130 €
High season
from 1/05 to 30/09
145 €
Based on 2 people - See T&Cs

The Palace of the Popes

Low season
from 1/01 to 28/02
130 €
Average season
from 01/03 to 30/04 and from 1/10 to 31/12
145 €
High season
from 01/05 to 30/09
160 €
Based on 2 people - See T&Cs


Low season
from 1/01 to 28/02
120 €
Average season
from 01/03 to 30/and04 from 1/10 to 31/12
135 €
High season
from 01/05 to 30/09
150 €
Based on 2 people - See T&Cs

The Pharo

Low season
from 1/01 to 28/02
110 €
Average season
from 03/1 to 04/30 and from 10/1 to 12/31
125 €
High season
from 01/05 to 390/0
140 €
Based on 2 people - See T&Cs


  • Tourist tax: 0.40 € TTC per night and per person
  • 3rd person supplement: 35 € TTC per night
  • Cot supplement: 10 € TTC per night
  • Pets supplement: 15 € TTC (after validation by the Management)
  • Charging electric car: 10 € TTC

Terms and Conditions of Sale

SAS Afam offers you short term rentals for our Guest House La Feraude located in Gardanne in the Pays du Pays d'Aix - France. The person who paid for the rental (hereinafter referred to as "the Customer & nbsp;") reserves the room and agrees to respect the following rental conditions. & Nbsp;

1. Using

The client commits himself for a definite period of time and can not under any circumstances

prevail of any right to the maintenance in places, the confirmation email

acting as a contract. The premises are intended for residential purposes, from

entertainment and / or organization of seminars.

2. Pricing & nbsp;

Rates shown are prices in euros per room, per night, breakfast included, tourist tax not included. The price includes 10% VAT (The VAT rate may change depending on government decisions).

Rates are differentiated depending on whether the room is occupied by one, two or three people.

Rates do not include any additional services.

Any additional person over 3 people incurs an additional charge of 20 euros per person per night.

The provision of a cot is charged 10 euros per night.

3. Reservation:

A deposit of 50% of the total amount is to be paid at the time of your reservation, either by check payable to the Afam Company, or by bank transfer without charge. The stays are guaranteed only by the effective receipt of the deposit by SAS Afam. It is deductible from the bill upon your arrival. The payment of a deposit implies acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Sale of our guest house.

4. Settlement of the balance

The balance of your reservation has to be paid upon your arrival.

An invoice is delivered by mail to the customer upon departure with the details of the service, the amount of the accommodation, the amount of any additional services, the amount of the tourist tax, the amount of VAT applied


This contract is for a specific number of people. If the number of clients exceeds this number, Afam is able to deny additional customers.

This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or a breach of contract on the initiative of Afam, so that in case of departure of a number of customers surplus to the number subject to the reservation, or the departure of the customer in front of the impossibility to receive additional persons compared to the number envisaged at the time of the reservation, no refund can be envisaged.

6. Hours & nbsp;

The client must present himself on the specified day of the reservation between 17h and 20h. For an arrival other than in the schedules fixed above, the customer will have to have the agreement of the owner (possibility of deposit of luggages in the day for example).

If possible, we thank you for not arriving after 9.30pm.

The departure time of the rooms must be before 10am Monday to Friday, before 11am on Saturday or Sunday.

Any additional time of occupation after the departure time will result in an additional charge of 10 € uros per room.

7. Breakfasts

The breakfasts are served between 7:30 and 9:30 Monday to Friday, the weekend from 8am to 10am. A 1/4 hour margin before or after this time slot is accepted, upon customer request.

8. Modification or cancellation of the stay by the Customer

Any modification or cancellation must be notified to Afam & nbsp;:

  • by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt & nbsp; 1095 Chemin du Moulin du Fort-13120 Gardanne   
  • by e-mail with confirmation of receipt, addressed to Afam & nbsp ;:

    Any modification of reservation, date, number of residents, type of room (single, double triple) is possible only after agreement of the owner and may possibly lead to additional costs. This change will be based on availability at the time of the change.

    The client is informed of the special conditions in case of cancellation of the reservation before the beginning of the stay.

    • if the cancellation occurs more than 7 days before the beginning of the stay, the deposit remains with the Afam Company & nbsp ;;   
    • if the cancellation occurs less than 7 days before the start of the stay, the deposit remains with the company Afam who reserves the right to claim the balance of the price of the accommodation & nbsp ;;   
    • If the client does not appear before 8 pm on the day of the start of the stay, the present contract becomes void and the company Afam can dispose of its bed and breakfast. The deposit remains with the owner who reserves the right to claim the balance of the price of the accommodation & nbsp ;;   
    • In the event of a shortened stay, the price corresponding to the cost of the accommodation remains fully acquired by Afam.

      9. Modifications by the operator

      Without the customer being able to claim any compensation, Afam reserves the right to change the room initially reserved by the customer by a room of the same capacity or higher capacity. In such a case, the cost of the reservation remains unchanged. Afam will not be held responsible for other obligations or claims by the customer in the same way, in the unlikely event, or advertised equipment or services are unusable during the rental due to force majeure or other reasons.

      10. Cancellation by the operator

      When before the beginning of the stay, the owner cancels this stay, he must inform the customer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or by email.

      The customer without prejudging recourse for repair of any damage suffered, will be refunded immediately sums paid. & nbsp;

      11. Cancellation insurance

      Afam draws the customer's attention to the fact that no cancellation insurance is included in the price of the room. It is therefore strongly recommended to the customer to subscribe one.

      12. Deposit and civil insurance

      We ask you to authorize to withdraw your credit card for the deposit (50% of the amount of your reservation) and for any damage.

      As such, customers commit to make the rooms in perfect condition and to declare-and to assume financially-any degradation or disappearance of objects for which they are responsible.

      Guests are required to have liability insurance & nbsp; and assume full responsibility for any damage during their stay. You agree that Afam may retain your credit card information during your stay and 48 hours after your departure.

      Afam will check the condition and content of rooms and will notify you within 48 hours of any additional costs related to cleaning and / or damage for which the customer is responsible. The latter agrees that Afam has the right to recover any amount related to additional cleaning and / or damage costs caused by the guest in his room.

      13. Behavior & nbsp;

      The person who paid the rent of the room is responsible for the correct and decent behavior of his companions. Guests are advised to pay attention to noise, music, especially between 10 pm and 8 am. If the customer or his companions behave indecently, incorrectly or illegally, Afam will ask them through his representative on the spot then to leave the premises without any refund. & Nbsp;

      The customer agrees to do everything possible to comply with the instructions of the representative of Afam or the local authority for the proper use of the property and its facilities. The client shall exercise due diligence in the prevention of damage or other loss, including & nbsp; the closing of doors and windows in case of absence on the property or notify the Afam representative, and maintain the confidentiality of electronic access codes.

      Minors operating within the Property are under the sole and full responsibility of their parents or persons having authority over them and in particular for the swimming pool in natural water.

      14. Errors, omissions, reservations, changes and withdrawals without notice & nbsp;

      The description of the property and rooms are provided in good faith, they are accurate and based on the latest information received. However, Afam is not responsible for any changes made by third parties. Rental offers may be subject to errors, omissions, prior reservations, changes, early departure, the customer & nbsp; is notified by the acceptance of the contract of Afam. The photographs are not contractual; they are intended to give a general idea of the appearance and atmosphere of the property and rooms, and can not be used for any other purpose.

      15. Disclaimer

      Afam declines all responsibility for any bodily injury suffered by the guest and / or guests during their stay on the property and their rooms. SAS Afam can not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by anything beyond its control. We strongly recommend that the guest has insurance in connection with his stay as stipulated by the French law.

      Afam can not be held responsible for any temporary defect or strike in the supply of electricity, gas, water, plumbing, or telephone services, as well as in case of faults, bad weather, equipment failures and machines provided and a last-minute breach by its service providers. The customer must report any malfunction immediately to the representative of Afam to find an arrangement for repair or replacement as soon as possible. The customer agrees not to hold Afam responsible for any damage, bodily injury or material related to a case of force majeure, theft, fire, weather, strikes, riots or criminal activity. The customer agrees not to hold Afam responsible for any claims of other family members or accompanying persons, and accepts his own responsibility for any loss, inconvenience or damage caused to other family members or accompanying persons. >

      16. Miscellaneous


      Pets are not allowed inside the premises. They are allowed to stay outside.

      In the event that the client has not received the authorization for his animal before his arrival, Afam or his representative reserves the right to refuse access to the animal in the room or premises.

      16.2-Smoking ban:

      The property and rooms are non-smoking. If you have any special requests, please let us know when booking.

      16.3-Degradation of furniture:

      Under no circumstances should the customer modify existing electrical, gas and water fixtures and fittings in the rented premises. The customer, below, agrees to immediately repair the damage caused by misuse at his own expense. & Nbsp;

      The customer must refrain from throwing anything into sinks, showers, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, pipes and / or outdoor basins that could block or alter their operation. If the guest fails to do so, the customer will have to pay for the repair and repair of the damaged equipment, especially the septic tank.


      Access is restricted to customers only. No outside person is allowed to access it during a customer's invitation.

      16.5. Legal Framework - Competence & nbsp;

      The rental here is bound by the only terms and conditions of this agreement and by the provisions applicable under articles 1712 to 1762 of the French Civil Code.

      For the execution of these presents and their consequences, the Parties elect domicile as follows:

      Afam at the above main address & nbsp ;; & nbsp;

      the customer at his mailing address indicated at the time of booking before and after his rental, then at the address of the premises during the rental. & nbsp;

      Afam and the customer agree to make every reasonable effort to resolve the issues, before turning to other possible sources of resolution. In case of differences between Afam and the customer can not be resolved by an amicable settlement, only the court of Aix en Provence will be competent and only French law will be applicable.

      17. Privacy Policy / Data Protection Act

      All personal information provided will be treated in accordance with our

      Privacy Policy. By completing your reservation, you agree that your information will be processed and managed in accordance with our privacy policy which can be found on our "Privacy Policy" document.

      In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, the files and the liberties, you benefit from a right of access and rectification to the data concerning you. We undertake not to transmit in any case the information that you have communicated to other companies or organizations.

      18. Claim

      In the case of problems or claims, it is necessary that the customer informs Afam as soon as possible. These can be sent to the email address below:

      All claims must be submitted to Afam, which will promptly investigate the matter and ensure that corrective action is taken if the grievance is found to be well founded.

      19. Modification of the conditions of sale

      These terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice.

      The acceptance and the respect of these conditions of sale are considered acquired as soon as the deposit paid.

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